2012 Yearbook

34 Y E A R B O O K 2 0 1 2 MATTHEW SLOCOMBE THE SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF ANCIENT BUILDINGS With public spending cuts, the role of volunteers may prove increasingly important but volunteers should be a complement to a professional sta$, rather than a substitute for it. We have set up a new casework panel this year after identifying a range of skills needed to assist with casework. We then sought members with suitable qualifications. We have also advertised in our members’ magazine Cornerstone for assistance with specific research tasks. FUNDING 41"# TIBSFT FYQFSJFODF UISPVHI bodies such as the Joint Committee of the National Amenity Societies and The Heritage Alliance. We are grateful for the financial support for our casework that comes from English Heritage and Cadw. This public sector funding helps unlock voluntary FYQFSUJTF PG VTF UP UIF QMBOOJOH TZTUFN SUPPORTING VOLUNTEERS We pay volunteers’ travel and TVCTJTUFODF FYQFOTFT 8F BMTP issue guidance on site safety and reporting protocol. For our new casework panel, we are running a training day later this year. THE IMPACT OF VOLUNTEERS Volunteers bring knowledge, enthusiasm and a willingness to assist for the sake of the building rather than personal gain. Thanks to our volunteers, there have been many occasions where SPAB has been able to provide TQFDJBMJTU FYQFSUJTF UP EFDJTJPO NBLJOH authorities or owners that would not otherwise have been available. LOOKING AHEAD With public spending cuts, the role of voluntary input may prove increasingly important in years to come. But there are problems. Volunteers often have to fit their volunteering around other work and can find it di!cult to meet the tight timescales of the current planning system. Volunteers are invaluable, but they require support and management. They are best viewed as an asset and complement to a professional sta", rather than a substitute for it. Matthew Slocombe is the head caseworker and director designate for the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (SPAB) and has been involved in the protection of both secular and ecclesiastical buildings. 'PVOEFE JO 41"# JT UIF DPVOUSZ T oldest building conservation body. It is a charity with a membership of over 8,000 professionals and enthusiasts. SPAB runs courses and training programmes, campaigns and offers advice on building conservation issues to owners, local authorities and those with a professional involvement. The society must be notified by local planning authorities where any work involving demolition is proposed to a listed building in England or Wales. SPAB is also informed where certain types of work are planned at listed places of worship covered by the ecclesiastical exemption. .PTU PG 41"# T XPSL JT BEWJTPSZ CVU it can require local planning authorities to refer a listed building application to the National Casework Planning Unit before it is determined, or object to a faculty petition forcing a consistory court hearing. THE ROLE OF SKILLED VOLUNTEERS Skilled volunteers are vital to SPAB’s casework. Although we have a small DBTFXPSL TUBď XF SFMZ PO FYQFSU voluntary help for many major cases. Paid casework sta" at SPAB identify where voluntary assistance is required with a case, find a suitable volunteer from personal knowledge or from our databases, seek their help, brief them about the assistance required, and finally translate their report into a formal response. Volunteers often willingly give up large amounts of time alongside their busy working lives to assist. Many serve on our advisory committees and others get involved JO PĐDF CBTFE XPSL SBOHJOH GSPN archival assistance to research. RECRUITMENT SPAB volunteers are drawn from across our membership. Some will have been trained by the society in the past while others are asked because they have a known specialism. Some volunteers come forward themselves with an o"er to assist. Surveyor Meriel O’Dowd and architect Neil Birdsall both received training as part of SPAB’s scholarship programme and have since served as volunteers on its committees. (Photo: SPAB)