2012 Yearbook

R E V I E W 33 THE ROLE OF SKILLED VOLUNTEERS Volunteers have been active in canal restoration since the 1960s and they play an essential part in helping to care for the waterways. As far as heritage is concerned there are two main strands of activity. The first is practical work. This is carried out by groups like the Lancaster Canal Trust, which has repaired a series of designated CSJEHFT BOE JT TFMG TVQFSWJTJOH The second strand is research. &YBNQMFT JODMVEF UIF IFSJUBHF recording project carried out by the Worcester & Birmingham Canal Society and the work carried out by PĐDF CBTFE WPMVOUFFST XIP IFMQ XJUI data collection, completing heritage consent applications and researching Heritage at Risk numbers. We are also hoping to encourage volunteers to help us in other areas such as education and heritage interpretation. RECRUITMENT Volunteers are recruited by a variety of means. Some come to us by word of mouth, through personal contacts and recommendations. we need to properly maintain our heritage. As the Canal & River Trust, the waterways will have an JOJUJBM ZFBS GVOEJOH DPOUSBDU with government and the degree of certainty that this brings. However, as a charitable trust, we are hoping UP QBSUOFS HSBOU HJWJOH CPEJFT MPDBM authorities and others to give our waterways the care they deserve. We BSF BMTP MBVODIJOH BO JOEJWJEVBM giving fundraising programme and are forming partnerships with companies. THE IMPACT OF VOLUNTEERS 0VS FYQFSJFODF JT UIBU WPMVOUFFST BSF every bit as committed as full time sta" and, although they come from all walks of life, many of them are already very knowledgeable about canal heritage when they join us. A recent, very successful volunteer project involved the conservation of B IJTUPSJD CSJDL LJMO PO UIF 0YGPSE Canal. The kiln was overgrown and deteriorating and a project was set up to recover it and make it safe with the IFMQ PG UIF (VJME PG #SJDLMBZFST 0O /PWFNCFS ù öôõõ UIF TUBď IFSJUBHF team gave up a Saturday to work alongside the ‘real’ volunteers from UIF (VJME PG #SJDLMBZFST DMFBSJOH the kiln and preparing it for the winter. It was a special day and the two groups of volunteers learned a great deal from each other. Nigel Crowe is the head of heritage at British Waterways (BW), which is responsible for 2,200 miles of canals and rivers in the UK. During 2012, the #8 PXOFE DBOBMT BOE SJWFST JO &OHMBOE and Wales will leave state control to become the new Canal & River Trust. Canals are highly valued by the public: 90 per cent of people believe they are an JNQPSUBOU QBSU PG UIF OBUJPO T IFSJUBHF 5IF Canal & River Trust will take on responsibility GPS POF PG UIF XPSME T HSFBUFTU DPMMFDUJPOT PG industrial heritage and for the third largest assemblage of listed buildings in the UK. The waterways heritage consists of assets like canals, embankments, wharves, locks, bridges, tunnels and aqueducts. It includes historic buildings like warehouses, PGGJDFT BOE DBOBM XPSLFST IPVTJOH BT well as boats, artefacts, archives and NVTFVN IFME SFMJDT PG UIF DBOBM BHF Nigel leads a team of seven heritage advisers who support the care and management of the built heritage and archaeology of the waterways. Working with volunteers and developing partnerships for heritage management together with more efficient working practices, is central to their work. Colleges and universities that run heritage conservation courses are another source of volunteers. We will continue to recruit via the new Canal & River Trust website, volunteering websites and Local Volunteer Bureau open days. Some very passionate people just turn up at our o!ces and ask how they can get involved. SUPPORTING VOLUNTEERS Volunteers are treated as equals within the organisation. They are given an induction and all necessary health and safety training. They often receive subsequent training to help them carry out specific UBTLT 7PMVOUFFST SFDFJWF QSF BHSFFE PVU PG QPDLFU FYQFOTFT and the loan of equipment, such BT DBNFSBT PS (14 SFDFJWFST BT required. They are also invited to team meetings and related events. New volunteers attend an informal discussion where we discuss UIFJS BTQJSBUJPOT FYQFDUBUJPOT BOE interests. We try to match what they want to do with what we need done. 5ZQJDBMMZ HJWFO UIF QBSU UJNF OBUVSF of voluntary work this will be linked UP WBMVBCMF CVU OPU UJNF DPOTUSBJOFE tasks. Management support is local – volunteers work closely with a heritage adviser and benefit from ‘frontline’ activity, such as site visits. FUNDING BW has historically received a government grant but this diminishing income has not covered the investment Volunteers from Lancaster Canal Trust repairing a listed bridge on the Lancaster Canal NIGEL CROWE BRITISH WATERWAYS Our experience is that volunteers are every bit as committed as full time sta$.