IHBC Summer School 2007

Valuing our heritage: building capacity for communities and the economy

Liverpool '07
14 - 16th June 2007


Thursday 14 June: evening reception Port of Liverpool building

Friday 15 June:
St George’s Hall, Liverpool

09.00 Coffee/registration

09.30 Opening address (Warren Bradley, Leader of Liverpool City Council)

Chairman’s welcome and introduction (John Yates, Chair IHBC)

09.45 The value of heritage – the Government’s view

(Baroness Andrews, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, DCLG)

10.30 Policies and partnerships (Deborah Lamb, Director of Policy and Communication, English Heritage)

11.15 Coffee break

11.30 Cultural heritage – the regeneration of Liverpool

(Graham Boxer, Liverpool Culture Company)

12.15 Public perceptions of heritage (Judy Ling Wong: Director, Black Environment Network)

13.00 Lunch

14.00 Evaluation for beginners - getting your head around impact and benefits

(Kate Clark, Deputy Director of Policy, HLF)

14.30 Workshop sessions: Liverpool, community and heritage.

(a) tour of St George’s Hall - conservation

(b) tour of St George’s Hall - interpretation

(c) heritage and the economics of value

(d) strategies for Buildings at Risk

(e) whose heritage? - working with communities

(f) hidden history – the slave trade

(g) outreach and children’s activities

(h) taking archaeology to communities

15.30 Tea break

16.00 Repeat of workshop sessions

17.00 AGM

19.00 10th Anniversary dinner Crypt of Metropolitan Cathedral
(guest speaker:
David Lovie, IHBC President)


Saturday 16 June; Liverpool Medical Institute

09.00 Registration

09.30 Welcome/introduction (Steve Parissien, Turley Associates)

Session 1: Restoration: Victoria Baths: the community and the private sector (Gill Wright, VB Trust)

Session 2: BPTs: new directions (Kate Dickson, Heritage Works)

11.00 Coffee break

Session 3: Heritage: the economic reality check (speaker tbc)

Session 4: Heritage, value and sustainability (speaker tbc)

Chairman’s conclusions/summary

13.00 Lunch

14.00 Tours (see information in leaflet)

17.00 Conference close



Introduction Accomodation Home Tours Charges Leaflet PDF


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