2011 Yearbook

R E V I E W 41 JT MJLFMZ UP FYQBOE UP JODPSQPSBUF international training in the future. Two of the most significant /(0T PQFSBUJOH JO UIF SFHJPO BSF UIF 5SBOTZMWBOJB 5SVTU www. transylvaniatrust.ro JO 3PNBOJB BOE Cultural Heritage without Borders, which is based in Sweden but operates in Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, ,PTPWP BOE "MCBOJB XXX DIXC PSH #PUI BSF BDUJWF JO USBJOJOH THE INTERNATIONAL BUILT HERITAGE CONSERVATION TRAINING CENTRE, BÁNFFY CASTLE, ROMANIA The centre is run by the Transylvania 5SVTU 55 BOE XBT FTUBCMJTIFE through a co-operation between the trust and the IHBC. The ethos of the centre is simple: ‘to teach while restoring and to restore while teaching’. The centre teaches through hands-on tuition while restoring the Renaissance/Baroque ensemble of Bán"y Castle at Bonţida, 3PNBOJB www.heritagetraining- ban "ycastle.org 5IJT IBT CFFO UIF key to the success of the centre. It has proved very rewarding for students to learn under the guidance of master craftspeople while contributing to UIF SFTUPSBUJPO PG B (SBEF " MJTUFE building. The castle is privately owned but is leased to the TT. Sadly it is very di!cult to imagine similar projects being set up in the UK. the historic environment. In many ways this is just as important as training skilled craftspeople. Some of these undergraduate students will eventually become the professionals who specify works to historic buildings. It is important that they VOEFSTUBOE UIF DPNQMFYJUZ PG UIF relevant skills, the process and the philosophy of conservation. The OFYU BWBJMBCMF DPVSTFT XJMM CF IFME in June, July and August 2011. During the past two years the centre has sought to use the built heritage as a vehicle for overcoming cultural di"erences in the region. Through a project sponsored by the European Union it became the focus of courses for students from Albania, Serbia, Kosovo, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Hungary and Romania, all of whom were present at the castle at the same time. To add to the melting pot, it also included students from France, Belgium and the UK. As a precursor to designing these courses English Heritage was instrumental in helping to develop a Heritage at Risk Survey for the SFHJPO UP IFMQ JEFOUJGZ UIF FYUFOU of the problems to be addressed. More assistance of this kind is desperately needed in the region. The BHCT Centre has received significant funding from the European 6OJPO 55 IBT JNQMFNFOUFE OJOF &6 QSPKFDUT 'VOEJOH IBT BMTP CFFO received from the World Monument 'VOE UIF (FUUZ 'PVOEBUJPO government ministries in Romania and Hungary, and from the Headley 5SVTU 6, BT XFMM BT NBOZ PUIFS sources. The consistent input from the Headley Trust has significantly helped the development of the centre and its commitment to the region has now resulted in further support for PUIFS /(0T JO 4PVUI &BTU &VSPQF The model which has been created at Bán"y Castle is a very simple concept which is being adapted for implementation in other parts of South East Europe. Two projects, described below, are of note. THE HERITAGE TRAINING CENTRE AT PRIZREN, KOSOVO This is a project which is currently being established with the support of the EU as part of its mission to protect The co-operation between the IHBC and the TT began in 1998. Courses at Bán"y Castle started in 2001, and the International Built Heritage Conservation Training #)$5 $FOUSF XBT PĐDJBMMZ PQFOFE in 2005. In 2008 the centre won the European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage/Europa Nostra Awards main prize in the Education, Training and Awareness Raising category. The courses are aimed at undergraduate students of architecture, structural engineering, building history, and related heritage fields; postgraduate students of conservation; craftspeople seeking to improve their skills at various levels; and managers of the historic environment. Consequently courses are o"ered in masonry consolidation and rendering, carpentry, stonemasonry, and heritage management. The courses are recognised by the Romanian Ministry of Culture and count as vocational training credits for the undergraduate students as part of their degree programme. So far the centre has attracted over 1,200 students from 18 di"erent countries, including the UK. The courses are two weeks long and are not designed to create master craftspeople. Rather, they are designed to inspire an interest in and an understanding of the restoration, care and maintenance of Bán"y Castle, Bonţida, Romania