Common Earth Walling Techniques



These constructions ore not to be confused with wattle and doub (which normally takes the form of a thin infill panel ). Here, the framework is totally enclosed by the earth mix.  The technique known as 'mud and stud' is confined largely to parts of Lincolnshire and the fringes of the adjacent counties to the south Grid south-west, although examples have been found in the Lancashire coastal region. Similar techniques con be found in parts of Scotiond, hciving such names as 'stake and rice', 'cober and mott' (also known as 'cloy and mott, 'kebber and mott'or 'cober and doub), and 'stoke and tow' ' The stake and rice technique was probably the most common in Scotland.  It consists of a number of vertical stokes around which ore woven nexible twigs or 'oziers', similar to Fnglish wattle construction but with on earth mix totally covering stokes and frame.


This process is confined largely to East Anglia (Norfolk and adjacent counties), although some small quantities have been identified elsewhere.  Clay lumps can be found in a variety of sizes, ranging from approximately l00 x 75 x 225mm to 225 x 225 x 55Omm. Some hove grooves moulded in their faces to make a key for plaster / render.

RAMMED EARTH (Pise de Terre)

The essential difference between this technique and the previously described shuttered technique is that here the material is rammed into place in a virtually dry state.  Much greater impact is applied in this process, and hence more robust shuttering is needed.  The shuttering is raised at each lift, and the work can be carried out as a virtually continuous process.